
Trend Talk Podcast: How Parachute Expanded into New Categories

Listen to the in-depth interview with Ariel Kaye, CEO of Parachute, and Retail Leader Editor Amy Baxter about Parachute's expansion into the furniture category.

In the latest episode of Retail Leader Trend Talk, Editor Amy Baxter caught up with Ariel Kaye, CEO and Founder of Parachute, about the brand's expansion into new categories and its latest foray into furniture. Tune into the episode to hear the two discuss the challenges and opportunities of venturing into new categories, how the brand has navigated supply chain issues during the pandemic and why DTC is the place to be.


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Trend Talk Video Series


You can still access the Trend Talk video series here, serving up the highlights of each week’s conversation in 10-minute video interviews. View the high-level overview of the interview here.