
Trend Talk Podcast: Understanding the Unique World of Gen Z

Listen to the in-depth interview with Hana Ben-Shabat, author of Gen Z 360: Preparing for the Inevitable Change in Culture, Work and Commerce.

This week on Retail Leader Trend Talk, we catch up with Hana Ben-Shabat, author and founder of Gen Z Planet. In an interview with Editor Amy Baxter, Ben-Shabat dives in the world of Gen Z, including what retailers need to know about this generation and what makes them so unique. Ben-Shabat is a featured author of the Retail Leader Book Club. Her book, Gen Z 360: Preparing for the Inevitable Change in Culture, Work and Commerce, explores the impact of Gen Z in culture, the workplace and in commerce.


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Trend Talk Video Series


You can still access the Trend Talk video series here, serving up the highlights of each week’s conversation in video highlights. Check out the video version here.